NZ’s tax payment market has evolved into a highly competitive and continually changing landscape, where service and innovative solutions are key differentiators that have allowed TMNZ to remain the market leader. TMNZ will be partnering with Bluefuse to continue to transform their operating systems and front end to cope with their high growth rates and developing product base, as well as to ensure our digital platforms continue to service and attract their diverse clients.
Tax Management New Zealand’s mission is to create a better tax environment for New Zealand business – built on a foundation of customer service, continual innovation and strong systems. When TMNZ formed in 2003 they contacted Bluefuse to lead the company’s online systems.
The TMNZ founder came up with the idea of the tax pooling system for the Inland Revenue (IRD) in 2001 when they sought ways to reduce compliance costs for businesses.
The Government was not in the business of making money out of charging interest. By introducing use of money interest, they simply sought to deter businesses from using them as a bank and to ensure full tax was collected on time.
So TMNZ was formed in 2003 to deliver a world first private sector model of tax pooling – providing overpayers with interest on their overpayment, paid for by the underpayers – but at a lower rate than IRD charges. The overpayers receive interest back at a higher rate than the IRD offers. Yet all at a level that would ensure IRD still met its targets – everyone benefits.
TMNZ started with the goal of reducing tax payment costs for business, and has continued to develop a range of tax payment and cash flow solutions to save taxpayers money. Innovation is one of its foundation values.
TMNZ is now the preferred tax payment intermediary for the largest New Zealand companies, major trading banks, leading chartered accountancy firms and thousands of small and medium sized businesses. Since its inception, TMNZ has helped more than 26,000 clients save more than $160 million of IRD interest and penalties.
Bluefuse were engaged to deliver a complete, ground up redesign and redevelopment of the AGD website, as well as a bespoke Content Management System to cater for managing the diverse product range and all existing online client accounts.
We were very impressed with the Bluefuse team right from our first meeting, through the development, implementation and testing stages to the go live date.